First Data FD 10

This FD-10 PIN pad provides merchants with the ideal solution that supports businesses as debit, EBT and other Personal Identification Number (PIN) based transactions are used globally. The FD-10 PIN pad features efficient, simple methods in accepting PIN-based transaction. It can easily be connected to a wide range of POS terminals and electronic cash registers (ECRs).
Transactions are secured as this PIN pad complies with the latest security specifications including Triple Data Encryption Standard (DES) certification, Master Session, Derived Unique Key per Transaction (DUKPT). This pad assists merchant to be on the industry’s lead as it offers advance security measures that customers will look for.
The First Data FD-10 PIN pad can easily be hand-held with its sleek design. The large rubber keys help users to easily control the pad. Having a tactual keypad helps visually impaired person to confidently input private information.
High performance at an affordable price potentially means better profit margins and sales opportunities
Secure microprocessor and ultrasonically sealed case meet the highest security requirements
Connects to most POS systems, so you can accept the latest in PIN-based payments without investing in a new POS system
Rugged design provides superior reliability
Supertwist Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) is easy to read in all lighting conditions
Monotone beeper provides audio feedback that lets users know that a key has been processed successfully
Two-line, 16-character display eliminates need for scrolling
Amply spaced keys reduce errors in data entry