VeriFone SC5000 PCI

The SC 5000 PINpad is a PIN pad with an integrated smart card reader. It can be connected to VeriFone terminals or other manufacturer’s POS systems that have high security and supports smart card transactions.
The SC 5000 PCI programmable smart card PINpad paves innovative ways in the payment industry. The Smart Card PINpad support EMV transactions, debit, EBT and other PIN based transactions. The compact footprint makes a good “hand-over” design for easy consumer PIN entry.
The security standards from the SC 5000 PCI conform to specifications for PIN-entry devices (PED) and sophisticated file authentication. There are numerous security modules incorporated in the SC 5000 that supports encryption like AES, DES 3DES, RSA. Key management methods like Master Session and 3DES are featured.
32-bit microprocessor
Memory Options:
3 MB (2 MB Flash and 1 MB SRAM)
6 MB (4 MB Flash and 2 MB SRAM)
2 lines x 16 characters, up to 4 lines x
20 characters, 122 x 32 pixel graphical
LCD display, with optional backlighting
Magnetic Card Reader:
ISO 7813 choice of dual-track (1, 2) or
triple-track (1, 2, 3), bi-directional
Smart Card Reader (Optional):
ISO 7816, 1.8V, 3V, 5V or synchronous
and asynchronous cards; EMV Level 1
and 2 Type Approved
SAM Card Reader (Optional)
Choice of 2 or 4 Security Access Module
(SAM) readers
16 keys (with 3 programmable function
keys and 3 command keys);
Serial Interface:
Asynchronous serial (7/8 data bits,
even/odd/no parity). Baud rate of 1,200-115,200. Compatible with RS-232 signal levels
Cryptographic algorithms include: DES,
3DES, RSA, and AES. Key-management
schemes include Master/Session,
DUKPT and virtually any other key management scheme through the use
of VeriShield Security Scripts. All cryptography and key-management
functions performed by integrated security chip. Communication between
the keyboard, display, and security module is fully safeguarded;
PCI PED approved
Height: 155 mm (6.1 in.);width: 95 mm
(3.7 in.); depth: 50 mm (2.0 in.);
weight: 360 g
0 to 40 C (32 to 104 F) operating
temperature; 15% to 90% operating
humidity, non-condensing; -18 to 66 C
(0 to 151 F) storage temperature
7-20V DC; 3.7W (maximum consumption with optional backlight on)