Ingenico i6780

The Ingenico i6780 is a payment terminal that offers a whole lot more of options based on the merchant’s need. It is a robust device best fitted for customer-activated transactions and ensure less maintenance costs.
The need for electronic signature capture for more complex transactions is easily handled by the Ingenico i6780. It provides a colored touch screen with an electronic pen. Ruggedly designed with a protective glass proven best in working with touch screen and signature capture, the Ingenico i6780 is certainly robust.
The Ingenico i6780 optimized visually-impaired support features. The keypad has raised symbol for easy operation. Tactile confirmation and prompts are also utilized. This feature increases the usability factor of the Ingenico i6780.
Communication is via multiple platforms to which the Ingenico i6780 supports. It comes with the standard communication types like RS232, USB, powered USB and tailgate. The RS485, Ethernet TCP/IP, ISDN and analogue modem are some of the optional connectivity preferences offered to the retailers.
Tough and secure, as the Ingenico i6780 is VISA-PED compliant and 3DES capable. The smart card reader complies with EMV 4.0. Numerous standards guided the development of the Ingenico i6780 which in turn provides confidence and assurance both for the customer and merchant.
With a vibrant graphical touch screen, triple track magnetic stripe reader, reliable electronic pen and EMV approved smart card reader the Ingenico i6780 offers secure and exciting customer checkout experience.
Glass TFT LCD display with a resolution of 320×234 and 256 colors
Glare resistant display is sealed to withstand accidental spillage of liquids with no damage to the terminal
Keypad has raised symbols to enhance usability for
visually impaired consumers
Standard 2MB RAM + 8MB Flash
Magnetic Stripe Reader
Triple track
Smart Card Reader
EMV Levels 1 & 2 approved (4.0)
0 or 2
Connectivity (Standard)
Multi-protocol support on host port: RS232, RS485,
USB/Powered USB
RS232 protocol support on auxiliary port
Ethernet support
PCI PED approved
ANSI standards include X3.92, X9.8, X9.9, X9.19, and X9.24
Code Authentication providing secure application code loading
DES and Triple DES PIN encryption
DUKPT and MasterSession key management
Unit can be powered from cash registers, powered
USB and standalone power supplies
Optional Contactless Payment Expansion Module Specifications
Uses the industry standard four programmable
LEDs to indicate power-on and successful read
Read Proximity Range of 0 – 4 cm (1.57 in.)
Radio Frequency of 13.56 MHz
ISO14443 Type A & B with Mifare support
Power provided by the host terminal
RS232 communications to host
Install in the field by simply replacing the foot of the terminal