First Data FD400

The FD400 terminal accepts wide range of payment methods including credit, debit, gift cards, paper warranty and electronic benefits transfer (EBT). Downloads can be easily completed as you will have access to wireless connection wherever your location is. The touch-screen display and lucid guides made this terminal an easy-to-manage POS device.
The FD400 utilizes 3G technologies including GPRS and GSM for wide option in connecting wirelessly. This gives merchants fast transaction processing with a full range of connection types. With its multi-application design, the First Data FD400 terminal supports a wide array of payment and value-added applications. For security measures, the FD400 meets the MasterCard POS Terminal Security (PTS) standard.
Full First Data processing product set
Multi-application platform for all payment and value-added services
Meets MasterCard POS Terminal Security requirements
3G technology for more connection options
Hardware/software support for 3G technologies
“Store-and-forward” capability to ensure card-present rates when there is no signal
Optional carrying case with nylon strap and plastic clear protective overlay for the keys is available
Also available is an optional car charger that can be used when on the go