RDM EC5000i

The EC5000i captures MICR information and check image. Image reading is basically fast and simple which can be related to credit card transactions. The RDM EC5000i reads and stores the information and converts it into electronic transactions. After data had been collected, the check can then be returned to the customer.
With on the spot check verification, merchants can save money, effort and time by eliminating physical transportation and verification for check documents at a local bank.
The RDM EC500i is capable of obtaining images from debit, credit and ACH receipts. This feature is beneficial to a merchant who stores paper receipts for future reference for a possible dispute. By creating electronic image from the receipt, complicated paper archives will be eliminated.
Terminal Applications
VeriFone – Omni, Tranz
Dassault – Talento
6.75 ” long x 3.75″ wide x 5.75″ high
Document Specifications
Minimum: 4.25″ x 2.75″ (Receipt)
Nominal: 6″ x 2.75″ (Personal Check)
Maximum: 8.5″ x 3.67″ (Business Check)
Weight Range: Thermal receipt up to Treasury Check
Track Geometry
“U” Shaped
Transaction Timing
MICR Capture: 1 second
Image capture, processing & transmission: Typically 8 seconds depending on document size and transmission method
Image and MICR capture are performed in a single pass
E13B MICR Character Set
Check Image
CCITT Group 4 compression (ITU T.6) of bi-level image
TIFF 6.0 file format
MICR line with transaction information included in header description tags
Check image size varies according to document, typically 10Kb or less
High quality 200 dpi nominal
Sufficient for OCR after internal processing.
(E13-B and numeric OCR-A engines built-in)
Communication Ports
A RJ45 serial RS232 (57,600bps) to host or RJ11 internal modem (33,600bps)
B mini DIN9 pin for POS terminal connection
C mini DIN8 pin for printer pass-through connection
Development Tools
ActiveX ADK for Windows 95/NT applications
Custom serial interface tools and support for non-Window terminals
Sample source code available for Omni and Tranz terminals and Visual Basic for PC’s
Customized Application Support
MICR line header information can be customized to accomodate various applications